Contact Kim Hovious, Pastoral Associate, to be a part of any of these wonderful ministries. [email protected] 502-348-3126
Bereavement: Providing a meal and a place to gather for those who have lost a loved one on the day of the funeral celebration and also to reach out in compassion such as anniversary dates of death.
Hospitality: Welcoming, connecting, and empowering people to the life of parish.
Jail Ministry: To live the gospel of Christ reaching the imprisoned with pastoral care.
Ministry to Homebound: Our purpose is to feed, heal, engage, and empower homebound parishioners in parish life.
Ministry to Nursing Home: Connecting our nursing home bound church family to our parish through Eucharist & monthly mass.
Stewardship: Encouraging our church family to fulfill the Church’s understanding of stewardship by sharing their gifts through time and talent.
Visitation of Sick: Offering pastoral care and sharing the Eucharist with our sick and hospitalized parishoners.